Jan 4, 2010

Blue Alien Notes


I want to start 2010 by talking about things that made a lasting impression in 2009. Of course, I have to talk about the best movie of the year-Avatar. Almost everyone had a chance to see it by now, love it, hate it, comment on it... I am afraid Fira&Capa are the last ones to do so, but I still can't resist.
I knew Avatar was going to be truly amazing. A sci fi/fantasy film made with break-through animation technology-what can be better? But it really turned out to be one of the best movies of all times. Directed by James Cameron (born in Kapuskasing, Ontario-I am so proud!), Avatar is a logical next step up for the guy who gave us The Terminator, Aliens, and Titanic. Despite the in-your-face "green" propaganda and a slight resemblance to Fenimore Cooper's novels set in the 23rd century, Avatar made me lough, cry, gasp in excitement, squeeze my boyfriend's hand, and wish it was not 3, but 6 hours long! I loved Sigourney Weaver's character-very powerful, but still feminine and fun. I loved the aliens-gracious, tall, and blue (my boyfriend has been calling me "blue monkey" since the day we went to see the movie).
If you haven't seen Avatar yet-make sure you do! I can't wait for it to be available on DVD-I am getting it for sure!
Oh, the only thing... 3D gave me motion sickness. It was gone within the first half-hour, but I could do without it for sure!

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